Context can offer more than the content—
miliu milieu more than the message.

I earned my bachelor's degree in cognitive science at the University of California, San Diego: a multidisciplinary education drawing knowledge from computer science, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, and informatics to view complex problems at complex angles.

Good effort is nothing without good intentions,
and the converse is just as important.

I strive for robust and maintainable solutions to meaningful problems. I'm always excited to learn new things, and even more excited when learning from colleagues. I enjoy long random walks on the beach and I take my work more seriously than I take myself.

I make things in my free time;
sometimes they even function properly.

I'll start blogging about my activities someday, once I figure out how I want the posts to look and develop the temerity to publish my experiences. For now, you can find my attempted implementations of linear algebra algorithms and neural networks on GitHub!